About Us

downtownThe Rockford Review based in Rockford, Illinois is published twice a year in perfect-bound format of 100-plus pages. The summer edition is reserved for members who are entitled to guaranteed publication. The winter volume is open to submissions from both members and non-members, from which an editorial board selects prose and poetry for publication.

Summer-Fall Members’ Only issue — all members receive one complimentary copy

Winter-Spring issue — every member receives a copy, members published in the issue receive a second complimentary copy, and non-members published in the issue receive a complimentary copy

Several seasonal contests have been incorporated into the Guild’s mission to encourage members to start or to keep writing on a regular basis.

On the third Sunday of each month, the Guild meets via Zoom to celebrate the literary arts. Each session features a guest speaker who has expertise on a particular theme. Based on that educational presentation, members then participate in an interactive writing experience and read their prose or poetry to the group. Learn more about our meetings.

In 2020, we began offering a complimentary membership to the winner of the annual Colleen Holmbeck Poetry Prize at Rockford University. Also, an anonymous member gifted funds for a Rockford Review Youth Poetry Prize contest. The winning poems in the two age categories are included in the Summer-Fall issue. Another anonymous donor provides a gift membership to a Rockford University student each year.

The Guild’s lively newsletter Write Away, updated website and timely email network offer members the latest available information.