Author Archives: kitsmediatech

RWG Meeting September 15

Our next Rockford Writers’ Guild meeting is on Sunday, September 15, 1 -3 p.m. in the Riverview Room, Burpee Museum.

James Marshall has outlined a schedule for RWG meetings titled “A Year of Re-Creation.” For the first two meetings, we will look at how people retell familiar stories. In the September meeting, bring in an example of an author or poet who is retelling a well-known story. We will discuss these works and have a writing contest.

Calling all writers!

Please consider sending us your poems and short stories for our 2020 Winter-Spring The Rockford Review.

Deadline: October 15.

Members and non-members, please send up to 3 poems (each 50 lines or less) and/or three short stories (each 1,300 words or less). Include a bio (50 words or less).

Send to:

Thank you! We pay $5 for every person published in the edition.