Congratulations and Celebrations

Congratulations to Cindy Guentherman. Her haiku was selected out of more than 4000 entries in the NPR summer haiku challenge. Her poem was read on the air by Dan Klefstad and you can read the full story here.

Since we are on the topic of haiku, please enjoy a link to Guild member Charlotte Digregorio’s haiku/writing blog here. Charlotte has a solo haiku exhibit the month of July at Northfield Public Library in Northfield, IL. The haiku is illustrated with art.

Congratulations are in order for Wilda Morris. The National Federation of State Poetry Societies Annual Convention in Santa Fe awarded her the NFSPS Founders Award for her poem, “On the Local Train from Orvieto to Florence.” The prize is $1,000.

And my new series State of the Artist has successfully launched on 89.5 and I follow artists to the places that inspire them and interview them. Learn more here. Maybe you will be my next artist!

State of the Artist is a new series hosted by Connie Kuntz on 89.5 and

Don’t forget our Un-Gala  is on Sunday, July 21 from 1-3 at the Burpee Museum of Natural History. Come meet incoming president and editor Sally Hewitt! Email to RSVP. Walk-ins are invited, too, but your RSVP will help me know how much cake to buy and how many chairs to set up.

Thank you for reading. Now…go write! Connie Kuntz